1 thought on “Empath Coaching 101: 8 questions I ask myself because the empath within the relationship #empath ”

  1. Being empathic is probably the largest struggle I've had in life… and I remember crying to my mother as a little girl – why do I have to care so much especially about people that don't care the same back… thing is, is that I expected others to be just like me and to be as caring and compassionate yet they're not and it's hard for me to understand why not sometimes…

    Helping others, giving to others and being there for others is what gives me happiness inside. Except sometimes I find I'm constantly giving and never receiving.. and it's not that I'm giving to specifically receive, though at some point if I'm not somehow feeling something back , at the least honest appreciation, I start feeling used and taken advantage of.

    I used to always blame that on the other person, but I've learned it's not really their fault either if I continue to give when they're not asking just because I think it's going to make things better, but then it doesn't.

    It's difficult because my heart is so open to everyone, but I just make a conscious effort to pay my best attention to the ones that love me back unconditionally as I do them. 🙏🥰

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