Empath Safety: The right way to Cease Absorbing Feelings from Others

The best problem for many empaths is absorbing decrease vibratory power from different individuals. Empath Connection founder Michael Smith, Ph.D., shares the highest SHIFT to cease ‘sponging’ & being drained or fatigued by others. SIGN UP FOR MICHAEL’S WEEKLY INSPIRATIONAL MESSAGES: http://bit.ly/actualized_empath


28 thoughts on “Empath Safety: The right way to Cease Absorbing Feelings from Others”

  1. This is the most honest answer I’ve ever heard of. Thank you. The answer is always within ourself . It really does feel like a wave of energy hitting me sometimes. And then it feels like peoples needs are tugging on me which in reality, I’m wanting to be the answer to peoples needs. Thank you!

  2. To be honest I’m suffering too much as an empath especially as I’m still living with my parents and siblings. Every time they come around me their feelings make me feel like I’m poisoned, like there’s nothing good I’m getting from their feelings and I’m so tired and exhausted even as I’m typing this rn. I do say a prayer of like 30 to 40mins to clear these feelings away from me but me doing this every time is also exhausting. Pls Dr. Smith I would like to know these tons of ways to keep myself in a high vibrational state whenever I see myself around energy vampires, thank you! 🙏🏼

  3. Thank you. I can sometimes feel depressed and while I do struggle with depresssion myself, I also feel that sometimes it's someone else's burdens which take over my body in a sense.

    I used to be a very sensitive child with I believe psychic abilities and I always enjoyed it, but as I got older I started feeling very down through other people's low-vibrational energy and disconnecting from my higher self.

  4. I need to work on this , as because of this im unable to break up from my relationships. Anytime i try i feel his pain i know how he feels and it makes me weak to do it. Its so awful

  5. This! I feel like I am being insincere if I don't give in to opp.
    I do work this, and made huge changes in my life. But when it's my kids, it's harder.
    Fix people, save people, change people, dang. Yep.
    You're spot on- thank you!

  6. my dad he is not just a stress ball all the time hes an unteachable narcessist
    If i adept his stress openly he makes it about him self going bunkers.
    …..never had peoplems with other emotions or just other people.
    I wish noone to ever live even just temporarely with an anxious narcessist.
    Empath or not

  7. I grew up being a crystal child & now that i'm an adult my senses have intensified so bad to the point that i've become a ridiculously highly sensitive person. I can crystal clear feel others people emotions even from miles away. my auntie who shares the same abilities than me passed away so I have no one to talk to about this & I have no one to ask for advice. she taught me how to clean & recharge my energies but I have no idea how to protect myself. I'm honestly TIRED of feeling so much I just wanna be alone. I pushed everyone away because i'm tired, but deep down I know I can't be on hermit mode my entire life ): any advice would be helpful…

  8. I really need to learn this because sometimes it becomes so overwhelming and I become drained. Omg I need to learn how to protect my energy because I feel every one around me energy and it so draining.

  9. WOW! I listened for about 2 mins and subscribed. Thank you, thank you- your knowledge is so clear and easy to understand- maybe il survive this life journey with peace instead of chaos from others.🤗

  10. Wow, this is so interesting! I am working on try to keep my vibration high around other low frequencies, especially family. It is hard though. I would love some advice and coaching here.

  11. Thank you so much for this video. I’ve started this spiritual journey working with the angels for 21 days (it’s a book i bought) so now more psychic abilities have been prominent and going through that . So then i thought i was going nuts until i realized that I’m actually absorbing other peoples energy and keeping it. Today i was calm and all a sudden i felt this anxiety out of no where and I’m like why do i feel like this what the heck lmao then the hubby calls me and tells me how chaotic work is and he’s having a melt down of anxiety i asked was it within the past hour he goes yes so now the light bulb went off that i say has been a “thing” for the last few weeks i feel like I’m feeling not just him but other ppl I’m close with so now it’s like wow all this time i really was confused but then after understanding energy and etc I’m trying to find a way to not “keep” the energy it is so annoying and draining at times . Also having the conscious awareness of when it’s my own energy or something else i now know. This has helped thank you!

  12. Hello Michael great video. Any ideas on how not to absorb energy from 6000 miles away etc. Knew when someone close to me died etc. Jolted out if bed at specific time when she passed. Thanks.

  13. Thank you so much i had a very bad year and half not knowing it i took on a friend pain trust me i have never in my life had a pain like that, she is always in pain i question my self if I got the pain from her. so i stop being around her it took some time but the pain went away.so last night i was in the present of some one who was very tired and have personal problems i came home i was so tired I had to go to bed i am a night awl so it just hit me i pick up on her energy,i have to work on that thank you

  14. Such a great presentation Michael. Your approach is clear and easy to understand, but more significant is this is an important topic that does not get enough attention. Thank you for your expertise and embracing this to help others. Well done!

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