Anatomy of an empath: Your 3 Core Feautures

On this video I distil the three core options that come collectively to create the empath temperament and character fashion. Understanding these three core options is essential to understanding how and why issues go improper for the empath of their interpersonal relationships, typically making a downward spiral towards co-dependence.

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Abdul Saad
Medical Psychologist


28 thoughts on “Anatomy of an empath: Your 3 Core Feautures”

  1. As an empath, you are spot on! I am all 3. I am my own worst self critic and am a people pleaser. I have been damaged by a narcissistic relationship of 26 years. I am just now learning boundaries and self love. Thanks for the video!

  2. I absolutely hate it. Hate it more than I like it. I'm having a huge private withdrawal from friends at the moment because it breaks me what they and others are going through.

  3. Yes, I experience all of these. Married to a narcissist for 13 years now and two previous abusive marriages to narcissistic men. Wasting my life on trash who think they are kings. 🤮

  4. Wow. Between this and the last video, I feel seen and understood. I feel guilty about literally almost everything. My internal critic is the worst.

  5. Very challenging, but a path is opening up for a study guide to start healing and being comfortable with understanding the boundaries that need to be drawn in my life. You set a precedent with doing what comes naturally and when you change to act for your highest good, often times brings negative reactions no matter how you present it as they keep trying to get the results they think they should and always have received. Sure baffles me that instead of it being appreciated, narcissists often resent it. Long term, yes, it is a downward spiral. But I am excited and will always try to do everything with kindness but try to let their reactions not cause anymore harm.

  6. This is spot on. In my experience the only way I could cope was to become more disagreeable. It was, and still is, very hit or miss, usually I say too little too late. However recognising the patterns are crucial. I am on a journey and am so happy to have found this amazing channel to help me.

  7. I feel not si much a NEED to please, but a hyper-motivation to please. As if it is my very purpose. I often do kind things in the shadows. I love making others happy – it makes ME happy. I AM an empath and do suffer the assertion issues asking for what I deserve or want in certain situations.

  8. In High School, girls seemed to love venting to me about their boyfriends. I sat there and took it, just happy to be talking to a girl. Now that I'm older, I've been labeled a "Nice Guy". THE END.

  9. I agree with your analysis, if any feedbacks, these three components seem to explain empath as more a product of adverse early childhood trauma (as to maybe 50/50 nature/nurture split ?) Also, as there are overlapping between empath and HSP, I'm curious of your take on that many thanks for providing insight bless 🙂

  10. I definitely deal with a ongoing sense of judgement.I am very hyper critical of myself. The last relationship for example, I agonized over whether the house was clean enough, was my make up right, forget about meals!!! I went round and round for days about which 2 Buttercream frostings to make for his Birthday Cake!!! He still ended up criticizing me for having too much mail.He didn't like me going to the gym and wanted to go with me.I always get these control types, yet I blame myself that I couldn't make Him happy😥

  11. Very informative ~ thank you for the breakdown of characteristics of an Empath. I find I am a pretty good read on people and you mentioned instinctual

  12. I'm in my mid 50's and you are dead on. I thank you for the description with words this helps me be more aware and own myself alot easier. I feel blessed most of the time and in return I spread that feeling and action to all creatures great and small. Those human ones though sure make noise and bite .lol

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