Awakening as a Heyoka Empath

Pete Sapper’s unique video from 2020 whereby the 12 core traits of a Heyoka (Tremendous Contagion or Unawakened “Darkish Empath”) have been revealed for the primary time.

Are you a Heyoka? Tell us within the feedback part under should you resonate with these indicators and your expertise as an Awakening Gentle Chief.

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23 thoughts on “Awakening as a Heyoka Empath”

  1. Omg i am a heyoka. My awakening happened in 2020. I've always known there was something but on that day I was spoken to. Not audibly but into my very spirit. I was told the path would be hard but everything would be okay. I've been working on myself since. I've been to the lowest low and watched everyone leave because I couldn't enable them anymore. I now feel connected to the most high. I am extremely grateful for the trials I have gone through now. Finding out about the heyoka is the answer I've been searching for. It explains everything I've felt all my life. The emotions and confusion at time. My huge imagination, my abilities as a songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, producer, painter, artist, carpenter, creator etc. My ability to intuitively sence people's intent. I renovate homes, I can invision looking through the homeowners eyes at my work to critique it. I am extremely prone to go the f off when injustice towards me or others is observed. Nobody really gets me but I don't care. I have a strange bizzard humor at time. I can go on and on. I aced you list and so much more.

  2. what to do with the pressure I feel. from others?I feel iritated by my family .I think I have a twin flame and my purpose includes her. I want to win a malpraxis procces and i m addicted to gambling… I did a lot of crazy things on this life and I can t find the energy to fullfil my purpose. It s like a depression. I also feel good . I think I don t have free will. I am an artist.. I have very big dreams. I think I will be famous. The problem is when I feel that i have no energy to find joy . How to find joy when I m low . I can t take action. I don t have energy swear. I m paralized

  3. Yessss.
    I saw ur short n it was vague so i got intrigued to check u out n this is where i started.. As far as this path… very big pill to swallow n ive been taking this pill all of my life… im not ment for a PG STYLE LIFE LESSON… im as you said (DURABLE) extreme heaviness coming from all ends …(as i give myself a survivor pat my back n exhale).. its great to hear another put it down on a real realistic view. 💜🙏💙

  4. Here’s what I’m supposed to do… The Creator,The Greater Good, The Universe, God(I prefer this one because it’s short and easily understood), The Big Giant Head, The Voice Of Reason, or whichever deity. that sets us to task, has shown me a path that leads Humankind becoming a global society. No more hunger…EVER! The efficiency or our power consumption greater than 100%. No more war or lines on the map, ya dig? A world where no human being wants for anything. This is not some sci-fi Utopia,, it’s simply a place where human beings make sure that all basic needs are met for every other human being. Imagine what we, as a species, could accomplish if we no longer had to grind each day to meet our own basic needs, i.e. food, shelter, clothing.

    My part in all of this is to seek out others like me and pass along this information to assemble a sort of brain trust, think tank, consortium, roundtable discussion,etc…. This “panel”(short and easy word used henceforth)would consist of 10 members that will volunteer themselves to The Greater Good. The goal would be to address the problems that plague humanity and solve them, one at a time. I have ideas. Others have ideas. If we could share these pieces ,we can find viable and simple solutions that benefit all of humanity…zero-sum or win-win, if you like. Each member would submit a problem that they would like to solve for the benefit of humankind. A random draw would choose which submission to tackle, and off we go! There is no voting, all 10 must be unanimous in all aspects regarding this panel. Only one problem at a time and it must be solved before moving on to the next, regardless of time *[see Occam’s Razor below]-. A member of the panel can only be removed by themself, no one else has the authority or the right to do so. Freewill is our gift and deserves the highest respect, even above Truth. There can be no affiliation with any outside influence, such as, gov’ts, religion, race, creed, morals, ethics, or judgements. There would also be total disclosure and total transparency for everyone. This would spark public discussions and open-mindedness for our entire world, and further the cause.100% disclosure + 100% transparency = 0 liability.

    That’s what I got from God right around my 50th birthday in 2021. I asked for a purpose. I guess I asked in the right way because, He showed me this Truth. That’s about the best way i can describe it. I have been actively searching for folks who could “fit the bill” and understand, but I haven’t had much luck. Some get it. Others think it’s a wonderful idea, but no one thinks it could materialize. You grabbed my attention. Your intentions seem to parallel my own. We are not conspiracy theory nut-jobs or intended on “swim out past the breakers and watch the world die” types, ya dig? This is part of The Grand Plan and our following of the Truth, as we see it, has led us to right here! I can’t wait to see what happens next….- Foot

    Occam’s Razor- The solution to any problem, no matter how improbable, is always the simplest solution

  5. I asked my pendulum if I was on the right track watching Pete Sapper. It started swinging yes and hit me in the chin! If I hadn't seen your videos, I wouldn't be alive. The dark night of the effng soul was horrible! Now, I just went through my 2nd Dark Night of the Soul. Narc family, narc fake friends. Recovering in complete solitude listening to Disco.

  6. Omg this is me 1000%. It feels great to have an answer to what I am. Thank you, Pete! You are amazing! I have always been a risk taker. All my friends love me. I'm a leader. I was president of my church youth group. I did a great job.

  7. The first step? The very very first step is “Be the change you want to see”. I always thought I must find my path, where is it, what am I supposed to do, where should I go, but then I realized that this narrow way of limiting people into finding that “one thing” is the way of the matrix. As someone who’s deeply connected to Mother Earth and every living being on it, my first step was changing what I can to stop hurting her and her precious creations. Trying our best to follow the golden rule is the first and only step. That’s the **Mission**. Everything else is distraction.

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