EMPATH SHIELDING & Safety Sleep Hypnosis. Empathic Vitality Therapeutic & Sleep Affirmations

Empath shielding and safety sleep hypnosis with affirmations for empath therapeutic. Hear whilst you sleep to defend and defend your self from receiving an excessive amount of empathic interference. Should you’re very empathic, this sleep meditation is designed to program your unconscious thoughts to make sure you’re shielded from others’ undesirable energies, whereas revitalizing your energies.

• Purchase The MP3 Obtain of This Meditation: https://www.nickysutton.com/store/empath-shielding-protection-affirmations-for-sleep
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• Therapeutic Energies: Playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?record=PL9Q8h2LAumbndSR5wzHarrGQSoLqtwd61
• Manifesting: https://youtube.com/playlist?record=PL9Q8h2LAumbmvW3dSnf0OU-6POuz9gfGC
• Extrasensory & Divine Communication: https://youtube.com/playlist?record=PL9Q8h2LAumbkJFJEwYu2OiZgCRnggpvKS
• Wellness & Interior Work: https://youtube.com/playlist?record=PL9Q8h2LAumbmp9Iyzf3DCRqBAlrHNWY9M
• Journeys & Regressions: https://youtube.com/playlist?record=PL9Q8h2LAumblr574-28byXHi-ldriCkAr
• Sleep Hypnosis: https://youtube.com/playlist?record=PL9Q8h2LAumbm0syAynp9yTgh7M84PE0YI
• Affirmations: https://youtube.com/playlist?record=PL9Q8h2LAumbn5RvgYnl_i4uZ7unhvsQde

Don’t play this video whereas driving or doing the rest.
This video and its contents are for leisure functions solely, and must not ever be thought of an alternative to recommendation from a professional well being care skilled.
Should you endure from any sort of psychological well being situation please search recommendation out of your well being care skilled as to the suitability of ‘guided meditation’ and ‘hypnosis’ for you earlier than use.
Hold your audio quantity to a snug, considerably quiet stage. In any other case, as with all loud sound, sleep could possibly be disrupted. Thanks.

© Copyright Nicky Sutton

#empath #empathaffirmations #empathsleep


31 thoughts on “EMPATH SHIELDING & Safety Sleep Hypnosis. Empathic Vitality Therapeutic & Sleep Affirmations”

  1. This helps me sleep. I am so grateful for this. It’s seriously magical and I’m only on day two of listening to it at bedtime. I can’t wait to continue listening to it every night. And then when I wake up, I put it back on and I fall back asleep just like that.

  2. I'm so excited to start this ….have been ringing ears loud ….couldn't sleep started a new job after disability for 30 years everything is going so well thank you for the meditation and much love to the world as we enter into the new Earth. Usher it in Usher it in Usher it in image it so and feel the feelings of excitement and gratitude and so it is.
    Luv yu

  3. @ Guided Meditations with Nicky Sutton Hi, Nicky, this isn't a criticism because I feel so good this morning, however, I could only do 40 minutes of it last night. A shorter version would be helpful. However, if you do nothing, I feel so much better it is perfect in its own way. Thank you so much. Bless you.

  4. What they were doing to Hillary Clinton on stage we can't have what they were having Trump do to people on stage we can't have we need facts instead of fiction to hide facts extortion isn't working for us

  5. The perpetrators want to heal me into their shoes so they don't get caught with all the money they stole and all the damages to humanity they've caused and we don't want it going around in loops forever or it comes back on us

  6. I visited my spiritual healer last week and she told me that when it comes to empathy I am a “sponge”, meaning I absorb all of the energy around me. With all of the horrible things going on in the world affecting poor and disadvantaged people it has gotten to a point where I am suffering from debilitating physical pain every day.
    When people say that they feel the weight of the world on their shoulders, I understand what they mean.

    I’ve listened to this video the past few days and I still have my powerful empathic abilities but have not been burdened by them like before.

  7. Thank you so much for this. I am a heyoka empath as well and did active meditation with this audio yesterday and it gave me so much healing. About to hear it again to cement the affirmations. God bless you. 🙌

  8. Nicky,
    Thank you for what you do!
    Have you thought of making "Black Screen" Meditations for a better relaxation experience??
    That would be an additional help as well! And one for sleep 8hrs long? Thank You Again Nicky for what You Do!!! God Bless!!
    God Bless Community!!!

  9. Wow, this is perfect! I recall while doing shadow work last year that I had been feeling overwhelmed and didn't know why. Then I realized I was absorbing ALL the negative, uncertainty going on in the world! I've never been big into 'labels,' despite understanding that it is a part of life, and yes, I am an empath (big time!). Even after having been told that I'm empathic, I still struggle with taking on other's feelings. Another gem of a video!!

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