31 thoughts on “Empaths (Being an Empath as a Defending Mechanism)”

  1. I am actually wishing I can remove my wit and be able to survive with my level of education, remove kindness so I feel fine after I reject someone, remove values so I can sleep while leeching others, remove intuition so there's no anxiety attacks at the first scent of doubt, or simply not been born at all is fine with me too.. I think I'm just exhausted mindfulness isn't working today.. If someone knows anything that works for them, pls share..

  2. What will happen if I do stop protecting myself like before when I wasnt able to stop myself from being harmed.. but understanding that thats not really my job solely.

  3. Empathy isn't solely provoked in children with unsafe or unreliable parents, although that very well can be a catalyst. Many want to protect their own energy for a myriad of reasons

  4. I love you girl. I am like watching almost every video you have. It be nice to have you in my circle which is like no one but need like an advisor like question on top of those. So if we are all connected how do you balance your ego and have that understanding when someone else’s flares bc my does and I like to be more humble and still be able to connect with that person but if not than not and be ok with that. I had always been good at reading people but I do have a strange nervous system to where I’m gonna either let someone rule me or I’m ruling or trying to rule them. It’s like always about control and how do we handle that?

  5. I’m not always hyper-attuned but I did sense I had some degree of PTSD in adulthood and I could feel dishonesty just hanging in the air from only very specific people. I can tell when people have the propensity to be abusive or are about to be. I can tell when someone is shifty or lying with laser like ability. My father was a volatile man with a hair-trigger temper. I was my mother and little sister’s biggest defender. I would often go toe to toe with my dad and tell him to back off as a child and into my teen years. I had to learn to detect when dad arrived home from work what mood he was in. It was constant Russian roulette with him. I lived that way until I was 15. My mom divorced him after many years of being battered by him. He had unmedicated schizoaffective disorder – he was paranoid, delusional, impulsive, and dangerous. I still love my father – he was forced by court order to get help when I was 18. He became a different person on meds and it made me sad that I could have had a different father all those years had he not been so stubborn.

  6. I think being a "base level" empath (idk the details like that) definitely is a survival mechanism learned while going through development. I think their is a born gift of this as well, and it takes a very different form. Then you may have the naturally born empath, who had developed their empathy throughout their childhood and young adulthood. Those are the individuals who can harness this gift the best imo. Born into it, then learned it unintentionally while growing up, and THEN learn to be "hyper-intune" by being aware and intentional with it. We all can feel for one another if we allow it, some others don't even know what to do with it and hurt others. Learn yourself and then you can be positive to this world! Stay blessed and peaceful ✌️

  7. As good as it sounds, the world is full of dangerous people and those that feel unsafe or insecure because of dangerous people. We are surrounded by predators and there is hardly any positive to tune into except in meditation or the quietitude of one's own room.

  8. I kinda disagree. May be a traumatic childhood can help a person recognize others emotions easily but how do u justify someone going thru the exact emotion as the person right in front him or her. U dnt gain dat kinda ability thru a traumatic experience.

  9. NOT True for me. I did not grow up in a toxic environment or trauma. I grew up with two loving spiritually grounded people. My mother and father were both spiritually grounded my mother, spiritually gifted, and it Empath herself and has the gift of discernment. I did not experience any type of trauma in my home nothing but love and light. I am an Empath and have the gift of Disturnment as well. My gifts are from God not man.

  10. I can tell exactly how people are feeling inside, like down to the exact details of what someone is feeling, its pretty wild. Took me a long time to understand what was going om.

  11. This is an important perspective to consider, however, it's only one side of the coin. Yes a lot of those abilities are born out of needing protection, but also those abilities are meant to become more sensitive and aware of life around us. It is a gift. It doesn't matter where the gift originated from. Use all of your gifts for GOOD. We are born into certain families to develop certain parts of ourselves. I use my gifts to help others to heal. I don't just focus on the one person in the room who is not feeling well if everyone else is feeling good. I feel the overall vibration of the room and if someone doesn't want to receive light then that is their choice. I would not focus on them unless they came to me asking for help with something or unless I just felt like giving them some love with no attachment to the outcome. Now if you are stuck in the part of being empathic where you are being overly protective, hyper vigilant and fearful then that is something you have to work on before you can use that gift to uplift and help others. That is the healing we need to do. But the gift that comes from being an empath are immense. You can also tune into Spirit more easily. You can feel people's hearts and you can use this ability to help the world around you.

  12. She's 100% correct. We're on high alert all the time, gathering information on potential threats (whether to be used later to attack or defend) and it's exhausting.

  13. i’m so jumpy i hate it. I get made fun of all the time to jumping when my dogs bark or when a door slams but i can’t help it. I check for shadows under the door constantly, if i hear distant voices or footsteps i get an adrenaline rush. I can definitely see how the emotional sensitivity part could be seen as a gift but it definitely comes with its downsides.

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