Understanding The three Forms of Empaths

On this video I introduce a system for understanding the empath on a continuum of performing from wholesome, common to pathological functioning. This video clarifies the confusion between the time period ’empath’ and ‘co-dependent’ that has arisen within the feedback part on my earlier movies. It additionally supplies a strong framework for understanding the empath’s downward spiral.

Thanks for watching and remember to subscribe.

Abdul Saad
Scientific Psychologist



48 thoughts on “Understanding The three Forms of Empaths”

  1. I always thought everyone was like me, I didn’t know. It’s not that I’m special, but I did started paying attention and trying to understand at a very young age to everything good and not so good. It was created out of need for protection. It’s like my early life was training ground and I thought everyone could see the obvious. When I’d innocently point out something no one wanted to talk about, I was gaslighted and shut down, for example….an uncle molesting children. I found out later it continued to happen until the day he died. What is wrong with the people that were supposed to protect their children! I’ll simply give them the excuse of denial, just couldn’t face it, or knew how difficult it would be to expose the crime.

  2. This knocks it out of the ballpark for me.Both parents were Narcissist. I had a very sharp therapist who put me in a Shame reduction workshop and told me with continued help I could get better and trust me I have been putting in work.Over 30 years now I am still here.Thank God for you

  3. Guess I am authentic altruistic.
    Yes being in narcissistic abusive marriage and healing from that got me here today.
    Yes a lot of conscious effort.
    Started striving for radical candor and genuineness over 30 years ago
    God is good.

  4. I don't fit any of your categories. I have been the support person in my family as stay at home mom having raised four adults one still home. I must do all because I owe everyone for my very way in life. I have no money of my own. And I like to help people because I care about them. I don't want anyone to hurt. I do it for The Most High and love of creation. The trouble is the narcissist and those who won't live by Holy Law. Those with souls were created by The Most High to learn to become as He is so that we can be his companions in the planes of heaven. We are messing up. I like this guy. Maybe you will help me with my need to stand up to those who will abuse me and use me. I am too weak. I do not know how to discern the narcissists who prey on the empaths. I need to become super

  5. I could see myself being in that stage 2 empath if you will. I recently had a situation with a co worker where I was trying to help her, but I was crossing boundaries. So much so that I was touching on topics and circumstances that she felt uncomfortable speaking about, and would push her deeper into depression. (Definitely wasn’t my goal as you know, as an empath, sometimes it’s bringing things to the surface in order to help it)

    However, I’m not in that stage 3 where I don’t see cues. I stopped. And later apologized. Not everyone wants help, at least not at that moment, nor does it have to be YOU. I’m learning that though I might see someone in need, it doesn’t have to be right then and there and it doesn’t have to be me. Great video! Really put things into perspective for me.

  6. I find this very distressing I really do not want to be an empath. I think I am after watching these videos. A narcissist has been living with me for 3 years and I can’t get him out without help. I’m afraid of him because he can get violent Maybe this is codependency. I’m in a bad place in my life. Am I an empath or just scared sh**less of this monster

  7. more people need to see this. Saw this video last when being in co-dependent stage and it was because of the relationship with the narcissist and acknowledging ones own shadow through own spiritual work that helps you descend further. dont be afraid to look inside.

  8. Written by Canadian Air Force veteran. Only figured out recently I'm a Sigma INFJ person.
    Also highly EMPATHIC — which has HURT me badly.
    Last two ladies I Loved were both NARCISSISTIC and just used me.
    I'm 74 year's old but still in good shape,and being a total Spiritual optimist have faith in the future..
    Dr. SAIID has helped me tremendously
    Thank you DOCTOR.
    Keep up the tremendous work your doing.

  9. Absorption: I work face to face with the public and am exposed to 5k-15K people a day. At the best of times this is stressful but over the last two plus years I took on the negativity of 1000’s of angry entitled customers. I quite literally absorbed that negativity. To say I was a mess from the onslaught is an understatement. At the end of 2021 I got the stage 4 cancer diagnosis. A very rare genetic mutation. I have a clear healthy scan from exactly two years earlier. I’m not looking to blame but rather, we as empaths MUST find a way to shield ourselves from a bombardment of negativity. I left my covert narcissistic husband years ago and thought i was done with all the awfulness. I believe emphatically my cancer is a manifestation of the turmoil I absorbed dealing with the public during covid. My acupuncturist has given me grounding and shielding practice. Peace

  10. Basically what you're saying and empath is a do-gooder. And evil people take advantage of do-gooders. Other than that I just see it the evil people need to be put in jail or punish severely.

  11. Balance seems to me to be the quest for empaths. It's not an unmixed blessing and childhood can be difficult, with most people denying what the empath is reporting. Empathic children seem to make some adults very uncomfortable. As an extremely sensitive empath, I have to frequently tell myself to mind my own business.

  12. What Are the 3 Main Types of Empaths?
    Physical Empath : You are especially attuned to other people's physical symptoms and tend to absorb them into your body. …
    Emotional Empath : You mainly pick up other people's emotions and can become a sponge for their feelings, both happy and sad. …
    Intuitive Empath : are believed to be a unique kind of empath that combines empathy, or the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, with instinct and perception.

  13. I absolutely love being A “functioning empath” i’ve always known I was different and this video has brought a lot of light and Excellent information to my growth And journey. I’m feeling blessed to have seen this video thank you!!! Sending everyone light love blessings and positive energy💚🌻🙏🏾☀️

  14. I just learned that I am an empath. It ruined my life. I feel peoples and animals emotions especially bad and sad ones. I am compassionate, moody, sad, co dependent, and have major depression and sensitive and honest person. I can sense and find things that are lost. I get dreams with messages. I can sense what people going to say. Slightly I can predict things that’s gonna happen.
    Please help me. What kind of empath am I?

  15. Well that's interesting. I've thought for a long time that a lot of self identified empaths can be just as narcissistic as narcissists although they present somewhat differently. It also answers why a lot of comments on covert narcissism ask: am I actually the narcissist? It almost seems like the horse-shoe effect. If you go too far to one extreme you almost end up in the same place as the other extreme. The moral of this story seems to be stay away from the extremes, they are not healthy.

  16. NOW I SEE…I have been this way my entire life. I think that is why as a Veteran coming home from war I worked with infants. It was my own personal therapy. My heart is often far spread. I am learning that I DESERVE LOVE BACK….

  17. Very grateful for a physcologist like you that helps us understand ourselves and doesn't just ignore our sensitivity or say it's social anxiety and paranoia which is what I've been told in the past ❤️❤️

  18. I have learned and grown from this channel more than any other channel. I have to go back through the videos to watch all the time to get healthy. I am the proud helper I believe- I am working on becoming on the authentic altruist. I am learning about my role and actions that keep me in the proud helper stage. This is the best channel!.

  19. Uh I came here because I found myself as an empath through Life is Strange True Colors.

    Uh. I find myself a lot as being an altruist. I’ve got a lot to talk to my neurologist about.

    (Long Covid)

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