How I Lastly Realized to Set Boundaries as an Empath (Extremely Delicate Individual)

As an empath, setting boundaries could be a difficult activity because of heightened sensitivity and empathy. On this video I discuss my journey from somebody who had little to no boundaries, to somebody who’s now capable of stay confidently, authentically, and has the instruments and expertise to set boundaries with out the guilt or confusion. I discuss in regards to the prime 3 challenges that I confronted, after which give my methods for overcoming them.

By acknowledging these challenges and implementing the methods mentioned, empaths can overcome obstacles, develop more healthy boundaries, and nurture fulfilling relationships. Bear in mind, setting boundaries is a ability that requires observe and endurance. Be variety to your self and embrace development as you determine wholesome boundaries that assist your well-being as an empath.


20 thoughts on “How I Lastly Realized to Set Boundaries as an Empath (Extremely Delicate Individual)”

  1. Just some clarity regarding sensitivity; there are two types, the one who is hypersensitive and reactive to others; assuming every comment is directed toward themselves by others; also known as “narcissism” and the ones who are highly sensitive to the emotions, and degree of intensity of said emotions, of others, whether they like it or not, which is the infj.

  2. The video is really insightful and I've got better advice from your perspective and ideology, I really admire the amount of efforts you put in for making this awesome and engaging informative video, plus the background music (outro) was peaceful with better vibes, 😊✌🏼

  3. Obstacles:

    1) Knowing how your boundaries will affect others makes you feel uncomfortable
    Solution – Showing compassion towards yourself

    2) People don't appreciate equally
    Solution – know your worth and don't settle for less

    3) Fear of abandonment and rejection
    Solution – Gradually detach from the need for approval from others through affirmations and self-love

  4. Thank you for this video, I must rewatch it again. Figuring out your needs is difficult because its so confusing with all the signals and alerts that come in from so many directions. Im Starting my journey of understanding life as HSP and it kinda feels I'm never going to get to fully know, how to mange it. Did you feel that way at the start?

  5. I love this, and would like to add that narcissists like to further entrap their victims by discarding them when both people are vulnerable. This will make it feel like you are the causer of the chaos. It will also enliven your abandonment trauma feelings if you have a bond to that trauma. Just because someone has devalued you, doesnt mean that you were the cause or that you are a problem. We must remain responsible for our actions, feelings, and emotions by understanding that they were perceived in the past. They arent truly a resemblance of who we are now. Our peace exists to serve an environment of growth for ourselves and the acceptance of our identities. This is important to cultivate a proper infrangibility in your personality. You are fearless. Unbreakable. Self-serving. From an abundant source, we can strive to be a better version of ourselves. Moment by moment: become your own hero. Love and blessings! I have experienced much suffering and hardship on this front. I am open to sharing and learning more too.

  6. It's awesome that you're learning this at such an early age. Best to you. Thanks for your videos. BTW, if you're not a licensed psychologist, you should be. I was in therapy for almost 7 years and you're already much more helping than they were after one video.

  7. Hi I'm a super empath and can feel the feelings and emotions of others from across a room. I does brazilian jiu-jitsu as a hobby to destress and stay in shape and I work security. I do have boundaries, but the skill of 'not reacting to anything' is a superpower. I view humans as the worst animals on earth and cut them down to size only when it's necessary. You can however destroy your antagonists by saying and doing absolutely nothing, which is far more rewarding and powerful. My advice is to get clued up on the opposition, which are…..all types of narcissists, psychopaths, sociopaths, energy vampires and all of their telltale signs. The rest is your own mind control, along with honing your perception and patience skills. Logic will always shine through all deceivers….an example of this would be people who say 'there's people who play, and people who get played with.' Translated into logic that means 'there's people who passively aggressively bully other people, and people who don't.' I was never one who buys into bullshit reasoning behind the unhappiness and jealousy of others….. I'd rather just cut them out of my life, or hand them down respect. Remember, you are a spirit trapped in the body of a human being, and this is all one big test.

  8. Thank you for posting and your information.. would it be ridiculous to imagine if one is grounded,and secure within there own identity, sense of worth, would boundaries or lines in the sand be necessary..

  9. I think people tend to mistake people who are "nice guys" as being people who are doing things to people please with the expectation of a return on their investment. So many motivational videos mistake this with the empathic person. What empathic people want is for the other person to realize that the time and energy given to them is a gift that is freely given, we don't want a gift back, we just want them to appreciate our gift. But, like you said, people despise things that are free because it has no value. It wasn't free for us, but it was free for them and free things to non empathic people are just like samples at the grocery store. Use it up and walk away without appreciating it. I think it's a way for empaths to communicate by giving, but when other people don't understand that, it's hard to not get discouraged

  10. Wise words! Very insightful. It's a hard road putting other peoples feelings before your own. Putting these boundaries in place is really tough and scary and doing it alone can feel overwhelming. I think when you first put your boundaries in place people will be hurt and not like you but it is necessay in order to not allow people to walk all over you and value yourself. I think you will be alone after putting boundaries in place but hopefully you will then attract the type of people that we respect you as much as you respect them.

  11. Different topic–
    Allegedly I'm an empath too, but I think it's important to critique the individualist culture of "the self"because "setting boundaries" can be an ideology of indifference to your neighbor. The Good Samaritan went out of his way to help not as a compulsive "do gooder". But because ( like an empathic human) his "heart broke" for the man he helped.

  12. Chad will always talk you into breaking your rules or boundaries. Its good that woman are at least realising that they are on a high speed collision course with the wall in their mid twenties. But the problem is youve let the pirates get the best of your treasure. Trying to rewrite traditions has just ended up like a dropped pie. Be realistic when valuing yourself, because at the end of the day the true worth of anything is based on what someone wants to pay for it.

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