Sympathy, Empathy, and Compassion: How do they differ and which one do individuals choose?

Sympathy, empathy, and compassion are phrases that haven’t solely remained largely uncontested in society however are sometimes used synonymously. On this illustrated video you’ll study the vital variations between these three types of care and which one is most impactful to those who you work together with. Study in regards to the energy and enduring influence of compassion for the good thing about these you are available in contact with and your self.

After a decade of analysis with people, ranging in age from 8 to 92, who’re all too accustomed to the debilitating results of struggling and the reworking energy of compassion, we’ve got realized some vital variations.

As illustrated on this animated video, sympathy is a pity-based response to a distressing scenario that’s characterised by an absence of relational understanding and the self-preservation of the observer–it goes nowhere and does nothing for the individual in struggling. Empathy, entails the flexibility to place oneself in one other individual’s sneakers, to not solely acknowledge struggling however to really feel with the individual and try to grasp them within the process–an improve from sympathy however not with out limitations–including being pretty conditional.

Compassion, takes empathy to the following stage, by not merely ‘doing unto others as you’ll have them do unto you’ however ‘doing unto others because the would need accomplished unto themselves’. Most significantly, not like sympathy or empathy, compassion requires action–compassion entails not merely observing and feeling for the individual in struggling however taking motion to alleviate a persons’ struggling.

Go to the Compassion Analysis Lab Cinema to view our different animated movies on compassion:


18 thoughts on “Sympathy, Empathy, and Compassion: How do they differ and which one do individuals choose?”

  1. NO! Sympathy and Empathy are both tools. Sympathy is feeling bad for someone else's suffering. That is all. That is good if used at appropriate times. I am a hospital chaplain and I use sympathy and sympathetic statements often. Imagine you are in a line after a funeral. You might tell the widow "I so sorry." that is not bad. it is not just making you feel better. It is a good thing for the widow to hear. Some pop psychologists and sociologists like Brene Brown have tried to redefine sympathy but it is a redefinition and it is not helpful.

    Empathy is a trying to put yourself in the shoes of another the best you can. What might it feel like if you had a loved one that died? I suggest almost never ever say that you know what the other person's suffering feels like. It might work in some cases, but the truth is you do not. Also, I know many who would definitely tell you that you have no clue. Empathy is a function of the imagination. How might it be like if I were in their place? What general kind of feelings and thoughts would I have? After empathy you must check out your assumptions because you can be wrong. If you do not, then you can often do more harm than good. you can assume you know what the other person is feeling and get it very wrong. Thus, the other person is not heard at all.

    Compassion is then the act of doing something or at least trying to do something for someone who is suffering. It is an outgrowth of sympathy and empathy.

  2. Compassion and empathy are one of the biggest tricks in the world. As in it's normal to help others, but you should really be more concerned about yourself. At all times. Putting others first at your expense isn't a virtue. Holding yourself back because you feel for others not having the same opportunities is a mistake.

  3. What I've percieved is that sympathy generates negative feelings, emapthy fells us a little better but still without any support. However, compassion is appropriately a required treatment to the suffering of a person, either physical, mental or emtional diseases and calamities. Thanks 😊

  4. By developing some spiritual awareness and appreciation, we can begin to feel others. It is so important that we try to see what we have in common with others, and not always notice some differences. As I begin to experience a commonality with others, one will automatically a sadness for the suffering of all other beings. Bodily identity divides people. With spiritual vision we see the true equality of all living beings. We see that we are all in the same situation, the experience of temporary happiness and distress in this world. That we are all longing for the same type of joy, peace, purpose.

  5. Can we all show more compassion towards animals? I don't get why seemingly compassionate people are fine with confining, mutilating and killing pigs for meat cuz 'it tastes good'. Especially when we have so many plant foods available.

  6. I’ve found people don’t possess any of it. When you get treated like an object rather than a human being, you come to understand this. It can definitely make you lose your own if you allow it.

  7. I had this conclusion myself, but was never sure. This video confirms it and gives it a little bit extra with clarity. Thank you very much for this insight.

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