How empathy works – and sympathy can't

We are able to usually get confused once we’re attempting to assist someone out of a good spot… and may find yourself getting concerned in a rescue try out of pity. Empathy permits us to assist with out diminishing the opposite particular person… in reality empathic responses from us assist the opposite particular person to construct self-sufficiency and confidence as they familiarize yourself with their state of affairs and choices.


36 thoughts on “How empathy works – and sympathy can't”

  1. Complete nonsense. Look up the definition of sympathy: it’s when two people have the exact same feeling caused by a shared experience. If a child dies, their parents grieve deeply, and they sympathize with each other because they both experienced the same loss. People outside their family may empathize with their loss but they can’t feel the same emotions as them. Why is the same false narrative repeated in so many places?

  2. "Human beings are members of a whole; In creation of one essence and soul; If one member is afflicted with pain; Other members uneasy will remain; If you have no sympathy for human pain; The name of human you cannot retain."

    Saadi Shirazi

  3. Not much agreeing, i have a better video. Emathy are much more helping and feeling with u and sympathy its more logic and "cold place" like with less emotions in it.

  4. I think crying is our purest form of empathy.
    Boys are taught not to cry, so we stop doing it.
    We're told to stop crying about our own pain and the pain of others, often animals, when we're little. So we eventually stop crying about the pain of others unless they die. We are taught to bury our empathy.

  5. I think this is a misinterpretation….. sympathy is THINKING you know how someone else feels because you yourself feel bad seeing them. So you become tactless and add onto the other's despair. Not helping.

    Empathy is already, actually, knowing how that person feels, but you are already moved on from those bad experiences, so you have hindsight and can better understand their feelings and therefore offer real consolation, real help.

    You are missing half of the definition.

  6. Simple wisdom but I get in situations like this and I think I yield to the impulse to help them with my own ideas rather than the Holy Spirit asking and discerning where they are at and then bring a heart of empathy. Just want to fix them.

  7. That’s really only cognitive empathy. True empathy is when you grab some gear, climb down into the pit of despair, and offer to help them get out

  8. 1:20 All good, except for "it's not your fault" belongs in empathy IMO, as that's constructive and allows someone to let go of the self-blame and become unstuck from established patterns.

  9. This is horseshit.
    Empathy would mean you can perfectly feel other people's pain and experiences. That is not possible and only a narcissistic would even think they can.
    Words have meaning. Find the correct word to describe things.

  10. Empathy-Well I came from a poor family too and im successful now…Those people are just lazy…Thats why they are still poor…Sympathy-Well I dont know everything about their situation but if its any way I can help out let me know…I wont assume I understand their situation…

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