Talk with Empathy

Be taught how will you talk with empathy, compassion, and influence and listen to examples of speaking with empathy in my drive-through expertise at McDonald’s. Free Obtain pdf Fast Information to Skilled Communication Expertise:


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47 thoughts on “Talk with Empathy”

  1. It would also be good if humans had empathy for animals and stopped eating them, and stopped condoning mistreatment on farms. It is the consumer who finances. If people had true empathy for animals, they would also have for humans. Most have neither.

  2. Hello Mr. Lyon, I really find you video as an empathy discovering guide, thank you for sharing it, and let me tell you that I'll watch it a couple of times more to really make practice your advice. I work for customer service, and I am in the total willing to have that impact with my customer's as well.

  3. Hi I'm a recovering addict and I speek alot to men woman and children about addict when I talk I try to remember where I came for and what I've accomplished. I like talking about how I feel and how I thought when I first came in to this progress . That I found hope and a purpose with helping others

  4. Yes I like your video on empathy and I could use a little more empathy on pretty much everything I'm too stiff when I talk and don't know how to respond. The only problem I have is I wish your video was longer and would teach a person how to exactly use empathy instead of just giving one example. Because I think I would need a class to teach me how to properly use it so I would learn how to correctly use it. Because what I think is empathy somebody else might not think it's empathy or not enough empathy. So my question to you is do you have an actual class or you just saying examples and that's it?

  5. How to be emphatic when our brain is slow to switch from our condition to other’s person condition in short time. I think its difficult.. please make more research about this.. i need this knowledge because i work in sales field

  6. Alex, it was a wonderful video that i have gone through over some period. The situations that you wanted from us to say in which all communication we need more empathy, whether it is emotional or happy moments, is that most required in the Corporate World, where we all humans come together for common objectives. But heartening to see, that it is not in practice!!

  7. I have some issues communicating with the girl I'm dating. I try and try but sometimes we just get so frustrated. She says I'm not showing empathy..I'm not seeing it. Part of the issue is we have many yrs difference between us. I feel I'm trying but she doesn't.

  8. I am just needing ways to communicate to the other person to get on my level and get them to talk about what is going on? That is my problem with empathize with them. Needing empathizing words to communicate with.

  9. I struggle so much with this, I have 0 empathy to people that play the victim “ cz my parents” or my “ex” or limitations, I just can’t.. I. Being trying so hard to build that with church, therapy, books, bible etc.. is there a pill/surgery for this? 🙏? ( a serious question)

  10. I think that empathy is needed more in a marriage. Typically, we think that husband and wife already know each other so well. However, they still might preceive things differently.

  11. It's actually so satisfying to listen to you talk. You don't make any mistakes or filler words. It makes me want to live in a world where everyone (including me) would speak like that 😁

  12. What an essentially important topic….people always want to feel cared for….I want to learn how can I make each one I speak to, feel so. More Power to you, the Johns in our midst!

  13. I think empathy should be practiced in our daily life . We as a human being it's necessary to connect with each other . So for connecting with each other u must know the concept empathy.

  14. When my wife gets upset I find it difficult to empathize with her and it frustrates her so much. She says it's because I can only think of myself. At work I can give good customer service and I feel like I can empathize with customers. Why am I struggling to do the same with my wife?

  15. When it comes to like, people dealing with loss. I freeze, I feel like I can’t connect even though I experienced loss. I just get shocked in away and I can’t speak. I don’t know what to say. Maybe, just saying I am here to be a shoulder ti cry on? Is all I can think of . Cus I know the pain of dealing with loss. The sadness, calling voicemail to hear their voice one last time everyday.

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