How do you train empathy? | Jonathan Juravich

What’s the function of character training within the classroom? Educator Jonathan Juravich discusses how we will transcend instructing empathy as a ‘tender talent’ and make it actionable.

Whenever you inform a kindergartner to “stroll in another person’s footwear” it may be form of complicated. Why ought to they placed on another person’s footwear? What in the event that they put on a distinct shoe dimension? Artwork educator and 2018 Ohio State Instructor of the 12 months Jonathan Juravich is curious about discovering methods to show empathy that transcend catchphrases, and instill an consciousness of others that may be expressed by way of motion. Drawing from experiences in his classroom and residential, Jonathan describes a number of workout routines he is used to assist college students determine their feelings and put money into the sentiments of others.

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28 thoughts on “How do you train empathy? | Jonathan Juravich”

  1. “How do we define empathy to our youngest children? […] Even a simplified definition such as “understanding and sharing the feelings of others” is really hard to internalize as a 5-year-old. So instead, a very purposeful conversation about practical, observable behaviors is necessary.”

  2. I try not to live in fear but it’s so clear where our world is destined. Apart of empathy is awareness right? So what about all the children whose parents just give them a phone to entertain themselves or put on YouTube before school. These kids have 0 awareness and they have trouble even making eye contact? I guess tragedy’s like this is the exact reason we need to be exercising our faith in God. We are doomed. The seeds have already been planted and it’s going to take an act of God to fix the damage.

  3. Nice talk brother, it reminded me of my medical school years, how we used to spend a very nice time talking about these things. “Taste the tasteless”, a quote that will ever be stuck with me I heard during one of the rounds. It taught us that we need to put ourselves in the patient’s shoes and this way we learn how to sympathize with them..
    thank you sir, your video brought back amazing memories <3

  4. this is wonderful. I'm so glad topics like empathy are covered in a variety of ways. Sometimes we need to hear a message multiple times, and with seemingly unrelated examples, to fully incorporate a new skill into our daily practices.

  5. "To live lives that would consider others more than themselves." My eyes were filled with tears after hearing this. What a world we would have if we taught that to our children.

  6. Reminds me of this quote… “Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. 4 Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too.” Philippians 2:3-4. If we are selfish, we are not self-aware and thus cannot have empathy for others.

  7. I had Mr.J as a teacher in elementary school and he was amazing. Overall a wholesome, genuine guy. It truly is a honor to have been in not only the same district as this man, but the same classroom for 5 years of my life. Truly blessed

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