Empathy Coaching: The Anthem

The one factor dumber than the idea of paying politicians to go on empathy coaching is the truth that I wrote it a theme track

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23 thoughts on “Empathy Coaching: The Anthem”

  1. I don't know how it is there but us politicians don't get payed a lot by the government most of the money they make in office is actually just lobbying which increases corruption

  2. I'm autistic.. I actually had to have "empathy training" bc, as an example, if you told me your grandma passed away my response was something along the lines of "Ooookay?"

    Like if my friend is upset I'm upset they are upset, but not necessarily upset bc I understand what they went through. Sympathy I got down.

    Still working on empathy

  3. Rq thought I'd mention that empathy and compassion are 2 different things. What you're talking about is compassion: caring about other people. Empathy is literally feeling what others feel. Empathy is a physiological process that some people literally cannot feel and there is nothing wrong with that. Empathy is a neutral trait, but compassion, which is often what's meant when you mean empathy, is very positive.

    I know you mean well and this is a good song with a good message, it's just the wrong word. But vilification against people with low empathy is all too common.

    Just thought I'd educate because I know you mean well.

  4. 80 000 000 people were born without (emotional) empathy, and 80 000 000 to 280 000 000 more people loose it from trauma.
    Do you want to blame and shame them all ("knows how feelings work, like a toddler") for something that was never in their control? You're just spreading misinformation – and have successfully done so to at least the 36k people that liked the video, and are helping politicians get away with that excuse.
    This has good intentions about raising awareness, but a better way of addressing it without misunderstandings, would be to simply point out how they abuse people below them and avoid responsibilities.

  5. Democratic politicians are guilty of the same thing, birth so bad things and get away with it, a good one is Anthony wiener but only republicans are bad right? 😂 the war against locker room talk is probably one of the most pathetic things of this generations, I’d it isn’t hurting anyone what’s the problem. “It encourages discrimination” how, in what way? Bc when most of it is jokes and shit who cares. U still spread mis information for money u hack

  6. The thing is even people without empathy (like some autistic people) can have compassion and learn how to act in a way that isn't selfish.

    You can supplement a lack of empathy. You can't supplement just not giving a shit about others.

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