Empaths Never Feel Drained Again (5 Steps)

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48 thoughts on “Empaths Never Feel Drained Again (5 Steps)”

  1. I do care about myself…….Who else does? No one! Reality! A victim like me who was totally wronged needs ABSOLUTE HELP!

    Guess what? That's too much……victim's need too much help!๐Ÿ˜ก

  2. What I've noticed I struggle with a lot, and I'm not sure if this is another effect of being an empath or something else entirely, but when someone talks to me about someone else negatively I really have to try to block it out because otherwise I will take on those feelings and that perspective about that person and it isn't my own view. I'm extremely impressionable, and it's very frustrating at times. I'm wondering if anyone else deals with this? Hopefully I explained it well lol

  3. Every time I listen to you i am amazed at how accurate you are about all of this..things that i wad sure only I expetience or have experienced are revealed every time…amaxing and thank you so so so much

  4. Listening to this for a second time, with some heart chakra frequency https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEXUuVse7fU in the background just to let it sink extra deep lol <3 Feeling so grateful that Amanda is sharing her amazing insight, I just recently began applying her tips and I already feel so much lighter and inspired, looking forward to this healing journey! ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. GRATEFULNESS PEACE LOVE LIGHT POSITIVE ENERGY ๐Ÿ’— ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’— ๐Ÿ’— UNITY STRENGTH PROTECTION LOVE ALL. Thank You So Much LOVE You โค๏ธ I Needed this The ENERGY Vampire Of Negativity That I live With Is A Demon When I get in the BEiNGS ENERGY I Passed Out Feeling Like My Life Has Been sucked dry when being is Verbally ABUSIVE.

  6. Thank you. Thank you for the clarity of explanations and explaining the paths of where the aspects are drawn from and a direct path directive of how to harness to help, ourselves & then others and just thank you so much ! ๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’•

  7. wow this is so helpful and life changing. I cried through this whole video. thank you so much for putting this out there, I feel like I'm finding answers to questions I didn't even know to ask. thank you so so much.

  8. This is all new for me and now I'm 51 I'm struggling how to balance and control my emotions and others ,how do I balance my chakras please Amanda and what videos will help me
    Much love and light to you ๐Ÿ™

  9. It's not other people that are draining you! An empath is a fearful person filled with toxic energy too. And when you get around toxic people your own toxic energy is awakened by their toxic energy for you to see your own fear and insecurities inside yourself!

  10. I hate being anywhere where the atmosphere feels "dead".. and I hate it when people create drama.. when people get fussed about little things.. I`m like" let your yes be yes and your no be no"… and I hate having to live up to other peoples expectations and requirements.

  11. Very well explained !!

    I recently learned that I've felt other people's energy and emotions…
    Had a encounter with a narcissist, I felt this immense EMPTINESS.
    Long story short, had to improvise on how "let go of what isn't mine".
    Today I was trying to understand why I'm so exhausted….
    Have learned a lot of life lessons about learning to say no.
    Thank you for helping with what I'm still learning to understand.

  12. Starts at 6:14. 1. Practice excellent self-care. Know your needs by tuning in to them first. 2. Meet your needs directly. Or tune in to the feeling of what it would be like to do that. 3. Learn to say no. Be as transparent and authentic as possible. 4. Stop trying to rescue everyone. Instead, hold space for them to be human. 5. Learn to take up space. Stop hiding. Learn to have a loving, intimate with yourself: Mind, body, emotions.

  13. I understand now! I was starving myself of love and looking to others to fill that need. Look to Others to just naturally understand what my boundaries are without actually setting them myself I was giving away all my energy!!! This is SO GOOD! I LOVE these videos!!!๐Ÿ˜

  14. I remember ALAN WAATS saing ::try tooo feel with your brain and think with your hart.๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿค .IT hits you make you think twice /and feel dieper .๐Ÿ™Œ๐ŸŽ—๐Ÿ’• ilp.

  15. Nothing drains my energy quicker than the workplace where absolutely everything is regulated down to the minute and worse still such places are pressure cookers because of narcs and their office politics. I am getting to where I just flat out hate this country and its toxic society, tired of the cookie cutter normies that go through life like they are scripted programs in the matrix.

  16. I don't feel resentment because I have helped anyone what bothers me is people who refuse to accept the word NO then they HARASS me even getting others to help them HARASS me to try and get what they want so I then have door slam them(cut them out of my life completely). All because of their disrespect I have to meet their aggression with aggression in telling them to stay away from me. Occasionally this makes me resentful because they involved other people and made it a group activity ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

  17. The last generation
    To all empath and spiritualminded people.

    To all those that feel the awakening of the light that brings truth and knowledge, understanding wisdom and insight.

    The time has come where we are being targeted by those who have no love and are empty inside. They hate what they canโ€™t be and what they canโ€™t obtain, TRUTH WITHIN.

    We have a real spiritual fight on our hands for these Narcissists have no mercy or empathy and want to hurt and destroy us, they do not care about the lies they spin and tell. Learn more about Narcissists and toxic people.

    Don't ever think we can not defeat the narcissists. We are powerful when u reach a higher level of seeing and thinking.

  18. My botfriend is a narcissist and i have been with him for 18 years and i just found out that i am an empath…never knew…but i had so many feelings and find myself crying alot for someone being hurt emotionally, physically or me looking for true love…my emotions are crazy..im trying to control them but i have built up anger for being mistreated or taken advantaged of….but my eyes are open to alot of things around me!!! Im still learning to understand myself though..of an empath…but i feel im in this alone.. Because i dont know any empaths…yes being nice dosent help!!!

  19. Hi there! Can you help me? Does anyone have any positive feedback, or advice that works concerning the following? 11 years ago I left my narcissistic verbally and mentally abusive partner. It took me 3 years to escape him. I was worn down by him for years and after I left, my energy levels have NOT gone back up. I have tried everything over the years to selfhealing (including; forgiving him, energy work, supplements to strengthen body, hypnosis etc.) I definitely want my healing. I have only just discovered this year that I am an Empath. Before my relationship; I had โ€˜normalโ€™ energy levels consistent and bright, verging on too much energy! Now, for the past 11 years since leaving the narc, I can only stand upright for 3 hours each day, so my time and energy are very precious to me. Itโ€™s like I only have ten percent energy to function daily, while normal people have a hundred percent. I do not want to go into the horrific abuse I suffered, I just want to heal. HOW do I get my energy back? I spend a lot of time in nature, which is fantastically soothing and uplifting, but my energy does not come back! Does anyone reading this have any constructive advice or know of anything that has really worked for them to help in their healing process? Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

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