44 thoughts on “The Birth of the Empath: Aggressor/Victim/Savior Paradigm”

  1. Hi Amanda I've worked in the Nursing field for over 30 years.Emapthy I always had not saying there weren't days but alot of jealousy if Clients wanted u or asked anything about u the answers were always derogatory. Almost.anyway I guess I don't have an answer how to change I live at an apt.where i started making a few meals for someone I thought needed it well not good what am I doing I try and involve other people but they don't respond kindly.ur the only one I wish I could get ur class but cant.thanku

  2. "Miracles are actually 'R-E-A-L!!!' " My firstborn Son was in a car accident, in which he drove off of the road, due to intense, thick fog; and the car rolled down an incline … rolling over 20 times before coming to a stop … slamming up against a group of trees … ending with the driver's-side of the car on the ground; and the passenger-side up facing the sky!! He had to kick-out the windshield, in order to escape out of the vehicle! Due to the physical "trauma!" that his body experienced while turning over & over in the car, he lost "feeling!" to his legs; and was forced to crawl or more-like drag his body across an enormous area of wet, "slushy-snow" … making his way back up to the road, so that somebody would see him!! In the denseness of this thick fog, his bright, red basketball shoes were noticed by 2 young men that were driving by! They actually saw him lying at the side of the road & pulled-over to call the police & get him some assistance! The police, firemen, paramedics & hospital attendants were all "amazed!" that "NOT even 1 strand of his hair was touched" … like The BIBLE states regarding the "Protection!!" that we have from the "traps & snares!" of the Enemy. They ALL knew that on January 21, 2018 they witnessed "A MIRACLE OF OUR CREATOR, HEAVENLY FATHER!!!" LOVE * LIGHT * TRUTH

  3. Thank you, Amanda. My biggest take away from my first listen to this video is that our heart does our discerning. I've never heard that. Never thought about where discernment comes from. Makes perfect sense it is the heart. ❀ Feels like a new world just opened up, feels good. Even gives me confidence to trust my heart better! I like that. Because of past pain, I have a tendency to not trust my heart, to stay shut off in my mind. Your video certainly gives me a new perspective. Thanks again! ❀ ❀ ❀

  4. I was blessed to be born outside of any religion. The world was atheistic, rational and finite. So what a blessing to now be opening to the true Christic path and turning up the volume knob on my heart – quite the surprise to find I had one!
    Although saying that, I'm sure that the process of rediscovering it would also feel incredibly empowering. To know you don't have to entirely write off all these past bible studies as a Christian and get a perspective shift. There are many ways to the Wow!

  5. Fantastic! What a way to expand our perspective. Behind every shadow is the gift. Accepting ourselves as aggressors, victims and saviours opens the door to our potential to be clear, transmuting, enveloping, expansive empaths! Thank you again

  6. Your Message Hath Been Delivered On This Day. I Release All Of My Pains To The Mighty Universe Via The Warrior Angel Amanda Flaker And Her Lovelyness. The Devil Of Pains Please Be Rebuked From My Peoples. This Aquarius Is Coming To Help Heal. Thank You So Much For This Moment, You Are Blessed. C.G.M

  7. This information is a major building block for me. It definitely ties a lot of things together. I've been reconnected for about 6 months and I've learned so much about myself and things I felt were tru are. I like your tone of voice and the comfort you have with yourself while you talk is soothing. Thank you

  8. Thank you for this thorough perspective Amanda. Evolution involves owning , loving & embracing our shadow fragments, " True Ascension "…
    Healing internal duality is now… — Divine Spirit , fill my heart with Love & Gratitude , allow it to overflow into the world for as long as i AM , whole & complete forevermore… Namaste reflection πŸ™‚

  9. This is excellent.Β  I may have commented before, but decided to listen again.Β  Thank you for sharing this & putting all the time and energy into it.Β  I'm certain it will help so many people.

  10. You are so good! I subscribed to you and as I listened I wanted to subscribe all over again. So many things connected as you expounded. Thank you for committing to this task. Much love to you.

  11. Pieces of the Puzzle..We go through life looking for that Piece of that puzzle that will fit just Right..Here it is we say and we force it with all of our might…Then we Look at this Puzzle thinking it's Complete…Looking down at the many pieces that have fallen at your feet…You see that perfect picture before you started to put this Puzzle together…It's then that you know that it's tough that it might take forever..Life is such like this Puzzle with pieces that Seem to fit…Yet with Each Moment you are creating this Picture in this puzzle which only you can Complete… Joe Lucero Love and Blessings to you all…

  12. But isn't EM trap our consciousness Energy ( The tora field keeping Human in that cage)? Could it be why it is very difficult for human to return to full consciousness. Perhaps instead let the heart energy spiral up through the Mind and Mind's eye to infinity and spiral down to whatever below, not create a LOOP which looks very suspicious. It literally looks like a cage.

  13. Amanda is one of the best, if not the best, on the subject of being an Empath. Having said that, this video, because of the depth of information, would have been easier to follow if Amanda's own voice didn't sound so stressed throughout. She stumbled rather frequently, another sign of stress as she struggled through the presentation. But more than anything, it was, for me, the stressed quality of her voice that made this particual video a bit unpleasant to listen to, despite all of the excellent information.

  14. hi new to channel iv been studing all you talk about. Thank u I v learnd alot being a victom should i confront enemy to let that person no Iam not there Docter. mother or even friend. I feel it would shut him down let him no hes nothing of inportance to me and cannot get me control destroy again This monster uses my family friends to stay in my life. what to do ?????

  15. I'm never going to be able to not try and help those forsaken soles.I have to at least try and fix these hell bound bitches. I have made some serious progress with them even makeing them realize there is a better way than pure evil and showing them they don't have to spread cayoss and destruction in every aspect of there lives . I truly believe some of them can be freed from satins grasp and explaining that this exsistance is only temporary and with a small sacrifice of faith ,compassion ,and self control they can have eternal salvation with there creator in paradise for eternity.easyer said than done because I have not been able to totally transform them but I have been able to atleast show them there's a better way .I have to keep trying when I am called to because it is my nature.

  16. Great audio! I was raised by a narcissist mother, bad physical and mental abuse. I suffer post traumatic stress disorder and physical ailments. I have had some closure mother has alzheimer's and is in a nursing home. The info on the heart and mind connection is awesome. Thank you. I have had contact from the spiritual world. I'm not sure why I was visited, it might be genetic, or a test. I was visited four times. For those people out there, no need to be afraid. In fact it annoyed me I went after it. Thank you for the clarification in this audio.


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