Empath training from the Empress

Mentor & Healer for Gentle Gifted Hearts

Join my Gifted Business Group – ‘The Heart + Biz Alignment’ closed group on Facebook is a community of gentle gifted hearts who want to deepen into their truth and rise on purpose in business – Click here to request admission: https://www.facebook.com/groups/491756161224544/

If you are seeking an experienced Mentor, I offer private one on one Mentoring for Coaches, Healers, Energy/Body Workers and Natural Health Practitioners. Those who truly want to use their gifts to prosper on purpose with ease. See details of what I offer here: http://www.heartmagic.co.nz/heart-magic-mentoring/

My books are now available on AMAZON; find them here: https://www.amazon.com/Heart-Healing-Principles-Emotional-Self-ebook/dp/B01B4VNFV4/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1502707053&sr=1-1

Follow me on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EmpressLysaBlack/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/empresslysablack/
My Website: http://www.lysablack.com Healer & Business Mentor – Lysa Black – Deepening into truth, we rise on purpose www.lysablack.com

Lysa Black has been in business for 11 years serving 1,000’s of individuals in her work as an Empath Healer. See her site for up-coming group course commencement dates. Lysa has organised her work into easy to read books that offer a powerful way to gain insight into your gifts, purpose and power.
Lysa’s 1:1 mentoring is devoted to the Healers, Coaches and Practitioners who are seeking personal and professional development to amplify and rise on purpose in their truth. See details here: http://www.heartmagic.co.nz/mentoring/

Join Lysa’s Support Sanctuary for Business Leaders intent on bringing the heart transmission for true change – ‘Business Chariots’ – Click here to request admission: https://www.facebook.com/groups/businesschariots/

My books are now available on AMAZON; find them here:


Follow Lysa on:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LysaCBlack/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lysa_black_/Healer & Business Mentor – Lysa Black – Deepening into truth, we rise on purpose www.lysablack.com

Lysa Black has been in business for 11 years serving 1,000’s of individuals in her work as an Empath Healer. See her site for up-coming group course commencement dates. Lysa has organised her work into easy to read books that offer a powerful way to gain insight into your gifts, purpose and power.
Lysa’s 1:1 mentoring is devoted to the Healers, Coaches and Practitioners who are seeking personal and professional development to amplify and rise on purpose in their truth. See details here: http://www.heartmagic.co.nz/mentoring/

Join Lysa’s Support Sanctuary for Business Leaders intent on bringing the heart transmission for true change – ‘Business Chariots’ – Click here to request admission: https://www.facebook.com/groups/businesschariots/

My books are now available on AMAZON; find them here:


Follow Lysa on:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LysaCBlack/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lysa_black_/Healer & Business Mentor – Lysa Black – Deepening into truth, we rise on purpose www.lysablack.com

Lysa Black has been in business for 11 years serving 1,000’s of individuals in her work as an Empath Healer. See her site for up-coming group course commencement dates. Lysa has organised her work into easy to read books that offer a powerful way to gain insight into your gifts, purpose and power.
Lysa’s 1:1 mentoring is devoted to the Healers, Coaches and Practitioners who are seeking personal and professional development to amplify and rise on purpose in their truth. See details here: http://www.heartmagic.co.nz/mentoring/

Join Lysa’s Support Sanctuary for Business Leaders intent on bringing the heart transmission for true change – ‘Business Chariots’ – Click here to request admission: https://www.facebook.com/groups/businesschariots/

My books are now available on AMAZON; find them here:


Follow Lysa on:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LysaCBlack/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lysa_black_/


2 thoughts on “Empath training from the Empress”

  1. A few weeks ago there was a situation where my husband's brother and sister in law came for a visit. I told myself I am going to love her as much as I can because she needs it so much. Shes done some things and had acted selfish on several occasions(not towards me, to my face, but others in our family) you must know that she has been abused in her life and this is why I believe she acts this way. So, I decided to love, love, love. Ya know? She has social anxiety and when she got here, I couldn't love because I was picking up her anxiety. If I could use one word to describe it, it would be awkward, intense awkwardness. I thought it was strange I was feeling this way, especially in my own home. I didn't think about it being her until the next day, because it felt like it was me. It was intense! This was the first time I was able to identify that I was taking on someone else's emotion! Huge step for me. Did I mention I'm 37?! What can I do to side step the intensity so I can be my authentic self and love when I need to? It was seriously crippling.

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