Kundalini Dharma Talks: Strengthen Our Internal Empath

Kundalini Dharma Talks: Strengthen Our Inner Empath

Kundalini Yoga with Kara Looney @ www.karalooney.com. Within the dharma speak of this class we give attention to strengthening our energetic sensitivities and empathic qualities. Stay lessons 4x every week and ever-growing video library Kundalini Yoga & Vinyasa Movement. go to www.karalooney.com to be taught extra, subscribe, or drop-in. #empaths #kundaliniYoga #sensitivity source

Becoming an Aware Empath: Learning to Trust (and Strengthen) Your Empathic Instincts

Becoming an Aware Empath: Learning to Trust (and Strengthen) Your Empathic Instincts

Are you an Empath? Do you feel other’s emotions and pain deeply? Do you have a hard time letting go of pain and trauma? If so, it’s likely you are an Empath.  In this first live webcast, you’ll learn how to:   – Understand when you are picking up other people’s energy   – Decide whether it … Read more