Gentle Yoga with Erica Boucher, founder of the Empath Yoga Teacher Training

Gentle Yoga with Erica Boucher, founder of the Empath Yoga Teacher Training

Join Empath Yoga founder, Erica Boucher, for a gentle, heart-opening yoga practice. Loosen up your shoulders, hips and spine. But better yet, quiet your mind, soften your heart, and relax your body. Visit to find out about her book and online educational programs, including her 200-hour Empath Yoga teacher training. source

Transformational Life Coach, Teacher of Metaphysics, Empath, Dawn Lamond

Transformational Life Coach, Teacher of Metaphysics, Empath, Dawn Lamond Writer, teacher, intuitive, empath, life coach, you name it! But words are so often insufficient and, in the case of our next guest, Dawn Lamond … you’ve just gotta meet her. And, fortunately, you can, here! Dawn, has an absolutely amazing life story. I’m so pleased she agreed to share it with us. It’s … Read more

Empath Yoga Teacher Training Testimonials

Empath Yoga Teacher Training Testimonials

Here’s what recent graduates of Empath Yoga’s 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training had to say about their experience. Empath Yoga is a unique combination of Yoga and Personal Development, and is based heavily on the book and personal empowerment program, Showing Up Naked. Empath Yoga is a Yoga Alliance Registered School. Visit for more information. … Read more

A Yoga Teacher Training built upon a life coaching program

A Yoga Teacher Training built upon a life coaching program

Founded by Erica Boucher, the Empath Yoga Teacher Training is a breakthrough educational experience including spiritual life coaching, emotional intelligence and communication skills training, yoga and guided meditation. Erica Boucher and Empath Yoga have been changing people’s lives for almost 20 years. Learn more at Claim your space now in the upcoming 200-hour Empath … Read more