7 Protection Techniques Every Empath Should Learn

7 Protection Techniques Every Empath Should Learn.

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“Introvert Power: Why Your Inner Life Is Your Hidden Strength” by Laurie Helgoe PhD:

“Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking” by Susan Cain :


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6 Unusual Things That Happen Only to Spiritually Gifted People:

8 Habits of Empaths That Make Them Hard to Love:


As an empath, you’re capable of feeling and experiencing the feelings and emotions of other people. You have the ability to sincerely sympathize, empathize with someone else’s pain, suffering, joy, and happiness. While being an empath is awesome, you still need to protect yourself, so you aren’t getting overwhelmed by it.

Empaths often feel overwhelmed because they just keep on absorbing the emotions of others, even if they don’t want to. These emotions are overflowing their minds like ocean tides, which makes them feel so overwhelmed drained. Some empaths just don’t know how to say ‘No’ or how to refuse help, so people tend to take advantage of them

If you’re an empath, and you’re looking for some practical ways to deal with your empathy-induced inconveniences, then this video is for you, guys.

So, here are some effective protection techniques to help you take your gift under control and keep you from getting overwhelmed and exhausted. If you think this information is helpful to you, don’t forget to like and share this video, guys.

Please watch the rest of the video to see all lists …


29 thoughts on “7 Protection Techniques Every Empath Should Learn”

  1. Work and “home” for me is the same place, unfortunately I don’t have the ability or privilege to put boundaries and say no. Work is more or less 24/7, specifically 0700-21:30. Then I generally can’t sleep til I 0200-0300. I’m working on getting out of this environment.

  2. Not only do I feel other people’s emotions, I can feel when someone is hungover too.
    It’s not always blatant like ‘oh I’m feeling someone else’s stuff rn’ it’s more like ‘why am I suddenly dizzy?’
    I also can taste metal things just from holding them in my hands.

  3. I have always thought there was something wrong with me but every time I saw the doc there was nothing wrong with me I would get nausea every where there was a crowd or a group of Ill intended individual's. I have just discovered what an empathic person is and I am exited to learn more about us

  4. Wow iam in the hospital now they think iam crazy but i no whats wrong god was so good i got a room very special i just lock my self in it all the time just get out to eat and run back in side i dont like to be a eampart their is too much eanger vimper and they dont no when to stop some time i just walk away and cut them off this gift is not fun their is alot off dark people in this world some time it is too much for me ha ha

  5. Shield visualization
    Define and express your relationship needs
    Set energetic boundaries
    Prevent empathy overload
    Quiet time
    Detox in water

  6. Most people on this comment thread sound like grandiose narcissists. Calling yourself an “empath” is almost always a sign of either extreme grandiosity, in that you are so much more perceptive than us normal humans, or a sign of a pathological sensitivity to external stimuli, as many of you seem to be easily rattled by lights, noise, and the presence of other people. An “empath” is in a pathological state.

  7. 1. Shielding visualization
    2. Define and express your relationship needs
    3. Set energetic boundaries
    4. Prevent Empathy Overload
    5. Meditation
    6. Quiet time
    7. Detox in water

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