8 Definite Signs You Are a Psychic Empath

8 Definite Signs You Are a Psychic Empath.

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Empathy is the ability to sense the feelings and emotions of others. So, if you’re an empath, you can feel and experience other people emotions in your body, even without them telling you anything.

Often, a psychic empath needs to learn basic shielding techniques to distinguish their own emotions from those of others. Otherwise, they will find themselves feeling drained and overwhelmed after absorbing the energies of others. The problem is, so many empaths don’t even know that they’re actually an empath, let alone which types of empaths they’re. Therefore, they often feel drained and exhausted until the point they realize their empathic ability and learn to set up a healthy boundary.

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“Empath: A Complete Guide for Developing Your Gift and Finding Your Sense of Self” by Judy Dyer :

“Introvert Power: Why Your Inner Life Is Your Hidden Strength” by Laurie Helgoe PhD:

“Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking” by Susan Cain :


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49 thoughts on “8 Definite Signs You Are a Psychic Empath”

  1. Social media issues mkes me horribly drain and I absorb emotions on terrible things such as accidents. .deaths and any sad or mad emotions…dats d reason I avoid watching or viewing such post lyk dat …I avoid draining events such as parties and being wd crowds…evrytym I get drained my left eye feels pain d most and too much headache …sumtyms I feel I am insane by having too mny emotions in a day…I am now in d process of controlling myself and calming ME💛💛💛🙏🙏🙏

  2. Well my natal chart said I have a unusual ability to heal and help someone. I'm a Libran ♎ Dragon. And it also says I'm hypersensitive when I'm in large crowds because I suck energy from the environment like a sponge that I have to get away from the crowd to be alone to recentre myself. This feelings sometimes create poor decision making but thank to my good intuition I know how to get out in certain troubles. Even since I'm little I feel like this. Thanks 2 this video I fully understand myself now. 😁

  3. I went to a couple of psychic, it was then they told me that I had a gift I was like whatever so went to another one they said the same thing.. and explained to me this time..but before then I always felt things just didn't know why I was feeling like this all the time and more so that I given up drinking..felt so exhausted, drained, I could feel people that talked behind by back without even knowing what they said or I could feel someone's pain when they are in pain.. I like being in the dark when I never use to like the dark, l love the silence now when I always use blast my sounds all the time and I have very sensitive eyes to the point it hurts.. so always wearing good shades. But the problem is I don't know how to control it.. or release it.. I was shown a energy release exercise.. but now I want to be stronger with it and not ignoring it all the time.. really feel what I can do..sometimes felt spirits like touch my head then I get a sensation in that. area, or on my hand.. but I always second guess myself, I want learn not to second guess myself and just acknowledge it straight away when its happened…

  4. I know with my self I can see the dead sometimes, I dream of the future mainly mine once a natural disaster, I get warnings about myself or our kids if I see or meet someone new and become fixated for no reason they usually become part of lives good or bad and a couple of weeks ago I found it can feel the sensation of how these ladies died by strangulation off the t. V. Freaked me out.

  5. I find myself absorbing, being overly focused on everything and feeling misplaced not just in real life but online too. The swirl of drama, toxicity, negative feelings l think l pick up on that or it reminds me of my experiences with people from my past that caused trauma. Anyone else have this ? Places like this channel do feel comforting though as well as INFJ, CPTSD boards on pinterest. ♥

  6. in a conversation, there a pause, in this pause, 1-3secs, I can feel the word she/he is going to say & say it the same time. Now I kniw what George Lucas was talking about, "The force."

  7. I'm definitely this,ive had 4 people in my home recently,1 caused back neck jaw pain to the extent I locked up,1 made me feel sick,heavy,like a death,feeling,and very uneasy in a certain area in my home,and I coughed for a day,1 was ok,but got agitated,and 1 the way I was talking was not me,I notice it alot now I can tell the difference,and again coughed all day after he left,I can tell when a certain person is sad,and I have alot of strange feeling s around animals,I saw someone the other day,I came home and cried for ages,

  8. bruh idk how or why i know the future like im watching a youtube video right?
    i know what's gonna happen next without even getting any clues HOOW??? I AM CONFUSION

  9. I honestly believe there’s only a small percentage of ppl that are 100% feeling in this world, I can’t get my head around the negative, and how cruel ppl can be, no one is perfect and we learn as we get older that our behaviour has come from conditioning, but there comes a time in your life where you change, we go through the motions of guilt and pain… but there really are some hurtful cold ppl about.. ??? 💕🙏🏼

  10. To all my empaths: Meditation is your friend. ;).
    Dunno where to start? Try a simple search for TM meditation for beginners (TM is the simplest, and easiest to learn if you have no knowledge of meditation). Then go from there, and find what is right for you.

  11. I already know I AM 1000% & not jut one of these, 'Yeah, ohh the word empath is cool 'in' thing' & yeah I'm one'…Bcuz MANY people fall into the 'lists' that are put out there, not all lists that are put out are from people that really know what it is like to grow up feeling so weird & not understanding why you think nobody likes you. Bcuz kids in school are going thru things w/parents, friends, boyfriends, teachers etc & when you were in school you would catch their eye & you would think the emotions they are emitting were toward or about you & not in some type of 'everything is about me way'! IT ACTUALLY S@CKED ASSSSS TO BE ONE, ESPECIALLY BACK IN THE 80'S & 90'S…WOW I'M GETTING OLD….SH@T! Anyway, it was very toucgh in school & I am so glad that the kids now adays are on line & can look up why they feel thi way or that way. We didn't even have therapy available to us, I mean it was out then, however I came from such a huge family we were lucky to have our health insurance on, w/only my dad running his own business….& yeah so I am VERY HAPPY these kids now a days get this medium to find out what's going on….I started to say how some people jump on this wagon the same as everything ele & I'm NOT saying, at all , that this video is not legit; Bcuz I HAVE NOT EVEN WATCHED IT YET….So ZERO judgement. & Funny thing, usually when I have a comment on something that is contradictory to what someone is saying, I will write & write & then end up deleting it bcuz I do not like to spread any more negativity than we already have in this world! So I like to write it on the 'title' prior….But yeah, being a TRUE EMPATH people can say it's great & a 'superpowere' bla bla bla & that's great to help build up our strength or confidence & I think we possibly could have it in all or a lot of us, just as being psychic, these can be skills/muscles you can learn to use. But when you went through ALL OF school having this hanging over you, as we felt, bcuz we had no idea! it straight s@cked! I mean I'm not doubting people at all even when things are 'trendy', this is a good trend for people to try to be if they are not……But I'm gonna say b4 this starts-I know I am a psychic-I do readings online…& I fall in & out of it bcuz my life's been so busy…but & get asked from some of the BEST readers from around the world to read for them, as it's harder to do when you are too close to a situation. I have a friend from Scotland, & this is not bragging, she's waiting now to hear back from me regarding something specific & btw my mother reads as well….But my friend from Scotland would blow ANYONNNNNE YOUUUU EVER SAW OR SEE ON TV OR ANYWHERE AWAY; She says it about me- but I don't think so….This girl could have her own CHANNEL ON 'TV' OR NETFLIX….BUT it got to the point of 'scaring' her, she kinda' shut shop…See though she uses 'sprits' to get the 'info' & I don't judge; But I just use my own 'knowing'…Now I have zero idea of what this video is going to say, I mean obviously an 'idea' & so you may see an edit….

  12. To Victor my Freind the Hex now is gone and 1 am determined to learn the rest of my AB1:L:1:T:1:es to learn the healthy way through my Teribble aweful triple trip of terror! Please write me Because i am scared, duh everyoneis terriffied including me, but now you know others with incredible talents unique in their own way! I am just scared to be Hung eventually as a witch! Heyoka's I believe that maybe if they kill themselves they become Demonic Forces. In the Bible the witch_called was the Witch of Endor a ,psychic, a tru⁶5⅘⁵, from god, her name transmits_ to eye of a generation without feel is My mirrored Fiat Manchester snd I came UP with how humans got to some crazy place effecting Ever more and stronger faster iam learning four languages, Working out, crazy Súper héroes in a a horror movie writing, i pass out four 10 hours and up15 brainstorming house! Aliens are real! Next time i can tell you so many crazy things! And I am healing mentally kill people. 5$ says if you write me with problem in one dsy i can figure out the trigger. Chad Chaney Heyoka! I am real are you? 12334566677:776665533321

  13. Sorry to be saying this but I couldn't quite understand certain words you are saying, maybe it's spoken too fast for me, or someone has sped up the recording!? I can tell by the voice tone & vibes that the guy is very genuine & wanting to help, or is it the distracting volume & speed of the odd music in the background!?? Sorry I will try to listen again another day, I'm tired& it's maybe me, Gnite & GodBless*

  14. I've been a psychic empath since I was very young WOW 🤯 this explains a lot now I don't feel so crazy because truly I was just experiencing so many emotions around me not so much my own🤔♊🦋💪🏽🧠🥰💯💕

  15. All this time I blamed my symptoms on being a cancer lol. Age 20 and I’ve always been fascinated with this. I recently stumbled upon emotion code and pendulum testing which opened my channel as an energy empath. I can also channel the universal energy very easily. I’m still learning about so many things. I’ve learned that all my siblings and my cousin are empaths as well and I’m teaching them everything I know. This helped me to find my soulmate and he is the only one that I can’t cut my connection with. So many people think of this as a negative thing but hold on and believe in the good of your abilities! I feel like trash all the time because my soul mate is in the military but I wouldn’t trade this for the world. Good luck you guys💜 also the most powerful tool I can’t do without is learning the pendulum testing!!!!!

  16. I just recebtly found out I'm a empath. I'm finding out my mission in life. Im a warrior empath to. When I go to a hospital I always get sick. Always! I pick up people's germs instantly. I accidentally healed a woman who lost her husband. Asked if if she wanted to talk about whatever is bothering her. I told her he's with her and she can talk to him. She just has 2 listen and look out 4 tge signs. She wanted to shake my hand (I noticed, others wouldn't have) told her I'd been isolating because I'm high risk. And asked her if I could hug her instead. Focused on love and healing. I was drained for about a week after that.

  17. I didn’t know what this was. I gave up dental assisting because I picked up other people’s pain. I would describe that to family of origin but they never responded. Probably thought I was nuts.
    Hearing about it puts it in a better perspective.

  18. My body feels heavy, slow, and I feel drained when I enter hospitals and for so long I thought it was only me but I am glad now that there is a reason to why I feel like this. And also happen with negativo people

  19. I've also trained myself on now I can control my emotions I love being alone sometimes I feel so overwhelmed and drained especially when I go out and I am amongst a crowd or even a group of people I can feel negative vibes and other emotions from people amongst the crowd/group.

  20. Can someone pay for all the medical bills that my parents need to pay because I was feeling so much pain all the time and I got loads and loads of tests done and have gone to the ER way too many times because I thought I was going to die. After every test and every ER visit, they said nothing was wrong with me. I thought that I was crazy, insane, for having this pain and apparently it’s not real. Turns out I’m an empath and I’m feeling others pain. I live on a street with many older people and my family members are not very healthy. I’ve been taking on many other people’s pain and I’ve been suffering for no reason. I’ve had so many sleepless nights over this pain. Staying awake because I’m thinking that I’m going to die and overall just freaking out. Or staying up because I was debating whether I should kill myself and I’d cry because I was actually thinking about killing myself. Or I just couldn’t sleep because the pain was too much that I couldn’t sleep. Or I’d take a nap after school because I couldn’t sleep at night and then end up staying up really late doing homework, I got stuck in that vicious cycle. I’m still in pain right now and I want to go to the doctor everyday but I just think there not going to find anything wrong with me again. I’ve had to live with that thought entering my mind. What if I’m actually sick? I’ll either waste a lot of money going to the doctor all the time and maybe go to the doctor having something or maybe not going and risk them not catching and treating what was wrong with me. I really need a teacher that can teach me one on one the ways of an empath. I don’t know how to control my abilities and that has just rendered me in physical and mental pain as well as a lot of wasted money on trips to the ER and lots of tests done. Anyone know a psychic/empath that can help me?

  21. I don't much care for the crappy music in the foreground of all your videos. Being sensitive I find it more then annoying. More then distracting. If you were empathic yourself you would have figured that out and not put that music on therefor there is something very wrong with this channel. Plus the videos that grab part of your attention while the music plays … very cleaver way to implant some thing in the psyche of sensitive people. I'm calling bullshit on you and the channel.

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