6 Different Types Of Psychic Empaths, Are you one of them?

6 Different Types Of Psychic Empaths, Are you one of them?

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As you all know, empaths do not all have the same abilities. Some empaths have stronger senses and can feel the emotional interiority of the people around them. Other empaths are very sensitive to the subtle changes in the energy levels of their surrounding environments. And some empaths possess strong intuition and can feel if something is right or wrong.

What all empaths have in common is their high levels of sensitivity. How they can feel and experience the energy from others that those non-empaths often can’t see or notice. Among psychic empaths, there are at least six different types of psychic empaths specialized in various fields according to their sensitivities.

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“Empath: A Complete Guide for Developing Your Gift and Finding Your Sense of Self” by Judy Dyer :

“Introvert Power: Why Your Inner Life Is Your Hidden Strength” by Laurie Helgoe PhD:

“Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking” by Susan Cain :


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35 thoughts on “6 Different Types Of Psychic Empaths, Are you one of them?”

  1. what is it when you can travel to/within people/places/time before/during/after with/without knowing/or knowing the person/place/time? yet you are sleep or just sitting next to someone? I can see myself/body and yet I'm elsewhere like travelling is this a dream even though I'm awake or sleep? yet what I see and feel comes true weither then or later it just happens it comes and goes strongly sometimes I say things to/in front of person/people and they ask me how I know/knew that?

  2. Hey you guys my thing is I know things before they actually happen and it’s becoming so scary.I just sense it inside me or even dream about it. One day I saw me and my sister hit by a big truck and I felt the pain and it was just weird then the day after that I heard a guy I know and his brother got hit by the same type of car I saw in my dream.

  3. This sounds stupid but hear me out. In second grade I remember having a dream that me and my sister where in this tall grass staring up at this motel type thing. I say on the count of 3 we run across the path and get to the other side of the tall grass. I run across but she dosnt go, she see a butterfly and jumps up. Then I hear her screaming for help when I turn around to see her being stabbed to death. In 7th grade I was talking to a friend she told me there was a movie just like that called "in the tall grass". You tell me coincedence or not


  5. Unfortunately most have All these gift's when excersised with no Self gain. The more practice. The more you grow with The gifts. It's in Acts of the Bible just says it different

  6. I tend to have a lot of interesting coincidences happen regarding things I sometimes randomly say or do, like once I was in a chailift and I randomly thought out of knowhere about the song All Star from Shrek when an hour later my sister gave me a card to celebrate something and when I opened it it played All Star, another example could be when in a car ride one day I played a movie soundtrack for audio and then when I got home and turned on the TV that movie was the first thing that popped up, these two examples are tiny coincidences but I tend to have a lot of similar things happen lately, this makes me think if I were an empath i could relate this to mix of three or four

  7. Precognitive Empath

    Currently on my spiritual journey to better understand and control my abilities… It was begun to cause physical aliments that doctors claim to be anxiety… However I don't believe it because my personal life is going well..I have dreams a can't always remember… Only the feeling when I wake up and person I believe the dream was about… It's exhausting at times

  8. I refer to my self as an Apathetic Empath, according to your own criteria I possess strongly all these traits for over half a century now. Drawing out the emotions of most people I meet is not a choice as much as a burden one can never lay down. They say, "Empath s are sensitive to emotions." Have no doubt, humans emotions almost certainly disconcerting to your own sensibilities. People reek of fears of all manners all the time. Men are not who they seem at all. Radiating a varied assortment fears such as inadequacy physically, intellectually and definitely sexually. Jealousy is off the chart as well, mostly over women and status quo. When inflicted by these intrusive feelings, repulsive is an understatement. The pettiness and self-serving truth of what so many of them are actually about is shocking to behold. Women's inner feelings are different can of worms to mentally sort through. They also emit many fears as well, jealousy over men and oddly to me (as a man) often over girlfriends loyalties. Younger people, I've noticed, tend to have multiple anxieties of short duration (clothing, cars, jewelry and such) while older people seem to dote on one or two issues intensely. Children and dogs are almost always an emotional breath of fresh air to my battered and exhausted soul, a carthotic research if you will. Not all empathy is sympathetic and not all empaths want to rescue you, If I sense a digenerate I have absolutely no issue outing a scumbag of any sex or status to all that need to know. "Yes, I do feel your pain, now fuck off!"

  9. I am a Telepathic empath, I can read people's Thoughts. Not just people but even animals and plants. These two things are like my my best friends I like to spend time with when I feel alone. :]

  10. Ive always felt that i was senstive to things more than other people, didnt realise there was an actual name for it. I think I am a mixture of Geomantic/Claircognizant with a pinch of precog/medium.INTJ

  11. I am a precognitive empath. The most major thing ive predicted was the pandemic. Even down to the details of school getting cancelled, quarantine, people refusing to stay inside, and leaving one of my art projects at school, and never getting it back

  12. i am 2 of the empaths mentioned in this video and i think it's a curse!! also when you "know" that a certain person has a cancer and doesn't know it yet? but it''s your duty to pass on the information but when you do you are told you are crazy and you stay for 3 months sick having to carry that information until the person concerned was told by a doctor

  13. This is glorious, I've been looking for "types of psychic power" for a while now, and I think this has helped. You ever tried – Wenophia Vonthan Breakthrough – (search on google ) ? Ive heard some decent things about it and my friend got amazing results with it.

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